The University of Szeged has chosen us
One of our PR agency’s largest scale PPC campaign was launched in the first days of August. Our new client is University of Szeged.

One of our PR agency’s largest scale PPC campaign was launched in the first days of August. Our new client is University of Szeged.
Hungarian district heating companies organize District Heating’s Day every year. They expect mainly young people to participate in the programme, representing the advantages of the technology.
A stunning final concluded the three month long school contest organized by our PR agency for the students of Heart of Pannonia region.
Spring is here with nice weather, so excursions come to mind.
In the summer months, the latest, third issue of this year’s BETON professional magazine can provide a refreshing relaxation for those who are interested in the construction industry.
By now it is a tradition that our client, AKCENTA CZ, is attending the Czech Beer Festival in Budapest, where the company once again organized it’s partner meeting.
In everyday life, we tend to identify most bad smelling, weird looking material as being only useless waste. Recently, it clearly turned out: we could not stand further from reality!
Több mint hatezren játszottak az indulás óta a Pannónia Szíve kvízjátékával, így ez lett az elmúlt időszak legsikeresebb, pr-ügynökségünk által fejlesztett közösségimédia-alkalmazás.
Our agency won the „Tourism Communication Project of the Year” award, two gold qualifications and a shortlist nomination at the „Iránytű” tourism communication competition.
Our communication agency participated in the compilation of the newly published CeMBeton pocket book that provides professional guidance in building industry.
The house was full on this year’s Industry Days, where our client, Universal Robots presented state-of-the-art technology.
The Palkonya Alley Run was held for the 3rd time on the 29th of April. The 9 and 19 km distances proved to be demanding at times to the ambitious participants, nonetheless they were amply compensated by the picturesque country environment.
The International Networking Week takes place in Hungary for the 8th time, focusing on the structural development of small and middle-sized enterprises, as well as discussing the characteristics of commission-free business thinking.
There is an important line on our bucket list of this year: we would like to have more projects, where we can focus on creativity.
The International Networking Week takes place in Hungary for the 8th time, focusing on the structural development of small and middle-sized enterprises, as well as discussing the exploration of new market dimensions.