The „Irány a PTE! Kultúrfeszt was a great success again this year
In 2022 we continued our work with the University of Pécs.
In 2022 we continued our work with the University of Pécs.
We organised an online press event at the request of
Our DESIGN business line created the company's new logo and elements. Na-turfa Kft. was founded in 1991 in Sükösd and merged into a family business in 2006. The word "Naturfa" is of ancient Hungarian origin, meaning natural peat. The main profile of Na-turfa Kft. is peat extraction and potting soil production. One of the most significant advantages of their main product, Florohorm, is the raw material from their own peat source.
Are you curious which services were the most popular at our PR agency in 2021? We have collected the most popular services of our three business lines (PR, DIGITAL and DESIGN) of last year.
We have closed an exceptionally successful year in 2021: the professional work of our PR agency was recognized with a series of international and national awards.
The founders – world-renowned scientist, writer and president of the Budapest Club Foundation, Ervin László, and Mária Demcsák, founder of Market & Profit magazine – established the Business Ethics Award 22 years ago with the intention of recognizing Hungarian companies that act responsibly, setting an example for society as a whole through their approach.
A Mecsek-kapujaként is elhíresült Mecseknádasdon egy ideje már megfogalmazódott, hogy a település húzóágazatát, a turizmust és vendéglátást hosszabb távon és komplexebb módon szeretnék fejleszteni. Ennek eredményeként helyi és neves Baranya megyei vállalkozók és magánszemélyek összefogásával megalakult a Mecseknádasd Open Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft., mely a településen többek között turizmusfejlesztéssel és rendezvényszervezéssel kíván foglalkozni.
It was not only a year of success and challenges at FERLING, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. The PR-agency, which has the largest rural center in Hungary and has also received the IPRA Golden World Award and the Business Superbrands recognition in this year, has responded to the challenges of new times and new markets with organizational development.
Preparation of publicity marketing materials for the project HUHR / 1901 / 3.1.2 / 0040 titled "CHOIR"
Through a virtual tour, journalists were able to gain insights into the latest robotics trends at our client’s press event.
The enrollment campaign of 2021/2022 will be carried out by the University of Pécs and its units together with FERLING. During this year we are supporting the campaign in several fields.
After a longer period we managed to hold a master course in person again for the students of the Department of Communication and Media Studies of the University of Pécs BTK, during the autumn semester.
Thanks to the DIGITAL business line of our agency, the Alaska-based “The Christmas Factory” received a new and updated website, which – keeping in line with the requirements of the age – is now available in a mobile-optimized version as well, with a restructured layout and renewed menu items.
Starting from Jan 1st, Görgy Mátyás, the founder of the buiding engineering company HLS-Ventil will be the owner of an other business in the same filed called Légcső Kft. celebrating its 30th birthday in April. We have been tasked with managing the internal and outward communications of both companies in the transition period.
Business Superbrands díjjal is elismert szakmai műhelyünk idén ünnepli alapításának 30. évfordulóját. Azt, hogy a FERLING idáig eljutott, több kisebb-nagyobb projekt, együttműködés és partnerség összességének köszönheti.