Elismerésben részesítettük kiemelt ügyfeleinket, partnereinket

Business Superbrands díjjal is elismert szakmai műhelyünk idén ünnepli alapításának 30. évfordulóját. Azt, hogy a FERLING idáig eljutott, több kisebb-nagyobb projekt, együttműködés és partnerség összességének köszönheti.

Elismerésben részesítettük kiemelt ügyfeleinket, partnereinket

We are taking part again in promoting the lamb and sheep meat in Europe

The second European Union promotion campaign has been launched to promote sheep and goat meat in Hungary and Spain.

We are taking part again in promoting the lamb and sheep meat in Europe

FERLING participated in supporting the promotion of the International Eucharistic Congress

The Hungarian Catholic Radio tasked us with planning and executing a social media campaign to promote the Congress.

FERLING participated in supporting the promotion of the International Eucharistic Congress

Kipróbálnád magad? DESIGN üzletágunk operatív munkatársat keres!

Magyarország legnagyobb vidéki PR ügynöksége, az idén 30 éves FERLING operatív munkatársat keres dinamikusan fejlődő Design üzletágába.
A csapatunk a kisvállalkozásoktól a legnagyobb multinacionális cégekig rendkívül színes ügyfélkörrel működik együtt. Készítünk kreatív grafikai munkákat nyomdai és webes felhasználásra, valamint sokféle produkciós anyagot a nyomtatott kiadványoktól az animációkon át az imázsfilmekig.

Kipróbálnád magad? DESIGN üzletágunk operatív munkatársat keres!

We’ve found treasures in Mecseknádasd

We found treasures at the gate of Eastern Mecsek, in Mecseknádasd. With the involvement of external experts, our PR-agency set out to create a special gastro-cultural settlement program based on the natural, built and spiritual cultural values of Mecseknádasd, Óbánya and Ófalu along a 5-year tourism concept.

We’ve found treasures in Mecseknádasd

Full loaded treasure chest

The Nevetnikék Foundation purpose is to make easier the spent time at hospitals for children. After the requirement, the children who suffer from chronic heart disease may have the opportunity to take some handcraft toys out of the treasure chest to reward their patients and braveness.

Full loaded treasure chest

Nem elég jónak látszani, hitelesnek is kell maradni

A harminc év alatt megteremtett valóság jócskán meghaladta a kezdeti álmokat. A FERLING 1991-ben indult, és bár az első években csak egy jövőkép nélküli kreatív manufaktúraként működött, mára Magyarország legnagyobb vidéki központtal működő, Business Superbrands díjjal elismert pr-ügynöksége lett. Az élvforduló kapcsán az alapító ügyvezető Ferling József eleveníti fel a kommunikációs ipart is felforgató változásokban gazdag évtizedek történéseit.

Nem elég jónak látszani, hitelesnek is kell maradni

eFairytales – Classic tales in a new place and a new form

For parents the realization may be familiar that although classic fairy tales contain eternal morals and lessons, they cannot always hold the attention of children growing up nowadays. They lack that extra fun and challenge that makes the story truly captivating. But do not worry as a new solution that combines tradition with modern needs is available now.

eFairytales – Classic tales in a new place and a new form

Green Solutions and Alternatives – PR Conference on Sustainability

The summer PR conference, organized by the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development of the University of Pécs, put the spotlight on the message of sustainability. The event was held with the successful combination of personal presence and online opportunities. The speakers addressed the communication challenges of “green” corporate behaviour and strategic thinking.

Green Solutions and Alternatives – PR Conference on Sustainability

100 Successful PR Recipes - The Great PR Recipe Book has become available online

Are you a professional or preparing to PR / communication / marketing career and would like to improve yourself?
Would you like to read something in connection with your professional, but don’t know what it should be?
Are you interested in practice-oriented writings?

If the answer is yes to the above, we definitely recommend the book of our founder and managing director, József Ferling, The Great PR Recipe Book, published in 2017. This year, our agency celebrates the 30th anniversary of the founding of the agency, and we made the Great PR Recipe Book available online as a special gift for those who are interested.

100 Successful PR Recipes - The Great PR Recipe Book has become available online

Our application was shortlisted at the PRA Golden World Awards

This year, we entered again the international PR professional competition, this time with the PTE 2020/2021 enrollment campaign and Irány a PTE! Kultúrfeszt. We managed to be shortlisted with our application in the first round and now we are excited about the result of the second round.

Our application was shortlisted at the PRA Golden World Awards

eFairytales – a project spanning borders

Ferling Kft. Has recently assisted in the implementation of a joint Croatian-Hungarian project, which is approaching its completion.

eFairytales – a project spanning borders

New website for the castle town

The Municipality of Siklós has received an updated website provided by our agency’s DIGITAL business line. According to the requirements of the age, the new site is available optimized for smart phones, with a reorganized structure and new menu items.

New website for the castle town

Vegetables in the Spotlight

Our design business line has designed the new image of INBA Zrt. and supports its social media activities.

Vegetables in the Spotlight

Qualified Quality - We have been awarded Business Superbrands

Operating since 1995, the Business Superbrands Program, which is widely known and recognized and rewards the most successful business brands, is present in more than 90 countries worldwide. The winners come from a multi-stage research process where experts filter brands by different criteria and the final decision are made by a committee of more than 20 independent experts.

Qualified Quality - We have been awarded Business Superbrands