Everything is indeed better in the South with this app

The treasures of the Zengő mountain can now also be accessed with the help of a mobile app for those who wish to get out of the hustle and bustle of city life and instead spend a weekend among the green trees of the mountains backpacking or biking with the family…

Everything is indeed better in the South with this app

2020–2021 Enrollment campaign was successful

The University of Pécs was waiting for the potential students with a lot of interesting programs – in a collaboration with our agency. Next to online events, games and community building programs, we developed a mobile app for students. The campaign was really successful, because those number has increased by 18% who applied for PTE in the first place.

2020–2021 Enrollment campaign was successful

Irány a PTE! Kultúrfeszt – A successful online festival

The University of Pécs organised an exceptional, online programme series supporting the decision making of grammar school students: the would-be university students could dive into the various qualifications of the university, and get an insight into the life of Pécs during a 5-day-long festival.

Irány a PTE! Kultúrfeszt – A successful online festival

Working together in order to improve internal communication

The developement of internal communication during the pandemic situation is particularly important for the economic organizations. In order to develop the internal communication, three domestic companies have formed an alliance with each other.

Working together in order to improve internal communication

We have become an IFKA accredited expert service provider

At the beginning of 2021, our agency applied for the title of expert service provider in several categories through the tender of the Hungarian Multi Program Industrial Development Public Foundation – and we are now reporting on our success in this regard.

We have become an IFKA accredited expert service provider

Take care of the plugs!

Useful tips on plugs and hot water meters for district heating consumers.

Take care of the plugs!

Comprehensive marketing communications for Energiatakarék

Our PR agency continues the dynamic cooperation with Energiatakarék, a company operating in the solar energy sector.

Comprehensive marketing communications for Energiatakarék

Environmental awareness is important at all times – effective solution in corporate responsibility for supporting sustainable development

For decades, Duna-Dráva Cement Kft. has given priority to the protection of natural values and the support of local communities and the young generation. For a decade now, DDC, with the support of FERLING agency, has been running a social responsibility program with new elements and features added year after year, with the goal of raising awareness across generations.

Environmental awareness is important at all times – effective solution in corporate responsibility for supporting sustainable development

New generation civil solution - Live Broadcast in Pécs again in May

The founder of our PR agency has been asked by the Pécs Community Foundation to be the main patron of the coolest civil fundraising program for 2021.

New generation civil solution - Live Broadcast in Pécs again in May

Hungarian Politics in 2020

An English-language publication presenting the most important Hungarian political, economic, and social trends of 2020.

Hungarian Politics in 2020

A dán robotikai éllovas ismét ügynökségünket választotta!

A magyar gyökerekkel is rendelkező dán end-effektorokat gyártó OnRobot 2021-ben is folytatja együttműködését PR ügynökségünkkel

A dán robotikai éllovas ismét ügynökségünket választotta!

Irány a PTE! Kultúrfeszt – Online fun (not) only for applicants

The University of Pécs organised an exceptional, online programme series supporting the decision making of grammar school students: the would-be university students could dive into the various qualifications of the university, and get an insight into the life of Pécs during a 5-day-long festival.

Irány a PTE! Kultúrfeszt – Online fun (not) only for applicants

Oklevéllel díjaztuk legjobb beszállítóinkat

Minden évben remek beszállító partnerekkel dolgozunk együtt – ez pedig 2020-ban sem történt máshogy. A FERLING három évtizedes működése során elért sikereinket belső csapatunk elkötelezett, lelkiismeretes munkáján túl kiváló alvállalkozói körünk segíti. Közülük néhányat külön elismerésben is részesítettünk a tavalyi év végén.

Oklevéllel díjaztuk legjobb beszállítóinkat

Adatvezérelt marketing a napelemszektorban

Fókuszban a megújuló energia: PR ügynökségünk legújabb partnere a napelemes rendszerek értékesítésével foglalkozó Energiatakarék.

Adatvezérelt marketing a napelemszektorban

Irány a PTE, már mobilon keresztül is!

Magyarország első egyeteme, a Pécsi Tudományegyetem már mobiltelefonos applikáción keresztül is segíti a felsőoktatásba jelentkezők döntéshozatalát. Mert „mindenki pécsi akar lenni”.

Irány a PTE, már mobilon keresztül is!