Starting from Jan 1st, Görgy Mátyás, the founder of the buiding engineering company HLS-Ventil will be the owner of an other business in the same filed called Légcső Kft. celebrating its 30th birthday in April. We have been tasked with managing the internal and outward communications of both companies in the transition period.

He found us thruogh a BNI meeting and after a couple of face-to-face discussions we came up with an offer to map out and improve the channels of information flow within both businesses. This is important becase our goal is to make sure that the empolyees, supplyers and partners of the companies are well informed about the future peratios and plans of HLS-Ventil and Légcső Kft. We started the operavie tasks this week, ont he 14th of October we welcomed the owners of both companies in our offices where we held a 3 hour long Message House Workshop, which pourpose was to find the internal processes and values of the caompanies. The next step will be a full internal communications audit, during which we wil meet and conduct interwievs with the middle management level in person to fin out more about our partners.