For years, our PR agency has had more and more employer branding/HR-focused commissions, in which area it has recently achieved several high-level recognitions. After FERLING became the HR Excellence Agency of the Year at the 2023 HRKOMM Award, at the beginning of 2024 it was able to rise to the second place on one of the prestigious HR top lists in Hungary.

As the latest participant in the APEX top lists, HRPOWER also joined Kreatív as a co-founder, and this year for the first time compiled the annual top lists of awardees in the HR field. The purpose of the list is to evaluate the achievements of the companies and their agencies awarded during the year 2023 in a year-long overview, which are achieved through campaigns and communication activities related to the employer's activities, and positive activities aimed at existing employees and their family members, and their direct and indirect environment.

It is a great pleasure for us that our work was recognised with another prize.

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