A group of dedicated students, a bunch of exciting puzzles and a pinch of humor. These are the ingredients of learning while having fun, as created by our client, Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Duna-Dráva Cement Kft. held for the fourth time the Green Alternative Competition and Open Day this April, which is a self-developed, multi-round creative contest for high school students. Our agency participated in creating the concept of the environmental competition, and on the day of the event we supported its successful implementation at the premises, in addition to taking part in the organization of online and press communication as well.


In the last year students from Vác had a chance to get to know the cement factory located there, under modernization at the time, and now it was time for the students living in and around Beremend to do the same. To reach the final held in the Beremend Cement Factory the competitors had to go through an online round, where they faced exciting questions related to DDC’s efforts toward environmental protection. The six best teams got to the final where they continued to compete for valuable prizes (such as action cameras or iPads). There they met tasks different from what they might have expected from a regular competition. Maybe the most popular was the fashion exhibition featuring dresses made from cement sacks and jewellery made from DDC concrete.


Duna-Dráva Cement Kft. is dedicated to environmentally conscious conduct not only for this competition, but during its everyday operation. We support them in creating and realizing their corporate social responsibility projects for years as active consultants.

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