As an element of the “Work AND Family – The improvement of women’s labour market position and the creation of the Women’s Centre in Pécs” project (EFOP-1.2.9-17-2017-00082) an event was held at the Railway Cultural Centre on the 6th of November with the purpose of introducing the most typical forms of atypical employment to employees.

The goal of the project is to improve women’s situation in the labour market, to raise awareness and spread information about the forms of atypical employment, and to support the cooperation between employers and employees in order to make family and work compatible.

Two university professors from PTE, Dr. Zoltán Bankó and Dr. Tamás Vámosi, and a representative of Jobcapital, Ágnes Vári held presentations, which besides explaining the domestic situation of atypical work provided useful advices to the guests. The participants were introduced to the main types of atypical employment, such as part-time jobs, zero-hour contract jobs, job sharing or remote work.

During the event the following conclusions were made:

  1. In Hungary the number of people engaged in atypical employment is very low (5-6%)
  2. If we are jobseekers, it is recommended to include in our CVs if we would like to be employed atypically
  3. It is important that in our CVs we not only display our last position, but include the tasks done as well, so that we can give a more detailed summary about our skills
  4. Facebook is also an option for seeking jobs, but pay attention to only visit carefully managed, credible groups
  5. We can also share our CVs in Facebook groups, since employees of major companies or job recruitment agencies are also members of these groups and they are actively seeking potential candidates in this platform as well
  6. Headhunter companies and job recruitment agencies usually welcome potential clients with free service and advice, which can be expanded into coaching and a CV tutorial as well
  7. Temporary employment is also a popular method of atypical employment, where contrary to popular belief temporary employees are not paid less than the given company’s “own” staff working in the same position
  8. Instead of legal action, a simple conversation with our boss is often enough to turn our fixed-hours job to a form of atypical employment
  9. Frequently even the employers are not in possession of all facts regarding the options and challenges of atypical employment
  10. The Pécsimami Public Benefit Association provides free labour law consultancy regarding atypical employment as well

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