Exploring the beauty of our county
There is a strong link between FERLING and Hosszúhetény. The founder of our company and one of our colleagues live in Hosszúhetény, at the foot of Mecsek. As a consequence, a little piece of our heart is in the campaign that aims to invite more people for active recreation in the region.
#délenmindenjobb (roughly translated to „everything is better in the south) is a slang of the local cycling community that we are working together with. Our goal is to show how can anyone spend their time in-, or near Hosszúhetény with cycling, hiking, and running. The first step to reach that goal was to design a website and a map with popular pathways on it. As an inspiration, we started to introduce the most active athletes of Hosszhetény on social media. During the fall of 2019, we also organized a hiking tour and a cycling competition as part of the project.
Reputation management