The red carpet is rolled out again for the dancing stars
The World DanceSport Federation (WDSF), the highest-ranking professional body in the world of competitive dance first gave a vote of confidence to our client, the Kapronczai School of Arts and the SZIGO Dance Association, in 2016 by granting them the official right to host the Standard Formation World Championship.
The Standard Formation World Championship is a prestigious championship in the world of competitive dancing, making this the highest-ranking dance competition to be held in Hungary in over 20 years. With fifteen teams each comprising twenty dancers and various coaching and backroom staff, the total number of people involved in this top competition was close to 500, who were entertaining a full house of 1500-2000 cheering spectators.
Recognizing the success of the event, WDSF decided to hold the event again in Pécs, “the new capital of dance”, between the 24th and 25th of November, 2018. We naturally are delighted to contribute to bringing sold-out crowds before the cream of the dance world with our communication campaign.