Our client, Duna-Dráva Cement Kft. has joined again this year the Advent surprise-series organized by the Pécs Rotary Club, and awarded a HUF 100 000 prize to a highly talented student.

In line with their social solidarity initiative every year during the Advent period the Pécs Rotary Club helps  to make the Christmases of 24 primary or high school students the most wonderful time of the year.

In 2017 the seventh window of the Nádor Hotel displayed Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.’s prize, which was given to Ferenc Csór, a student of Angster József Vocational High School, in recognition of his outstanding performance by Mária Bászler, HR director of DDC. The CNC operator apprentice has shown constant diligence over the past couple of years, and his dedication is exemplary. 

Since supporting young talents is highly important for the construction company DDC established its own scholarship programme and participate every year in Rotary Club’s initiative.

Our PR agency provided assistance in the event's press communication tasks.

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