We've enhanced Körber’s internal communication app: an updated design, a more user-friendly menu, and exciting new functions and features await the users.

Since its launch, colleagues of the machine manufacturing company located in Pécs have been actively using the mobile application developed by the FERLING DIGITAL department, making it the company’s primary communicational channel. We’ve previously implemented multiple changes on the app based on user feedback, but this time we’ve undergone a bigger and more significant development.

As a result of the joint efforts of our PR and DIGITAL departments, we’ve created a more modern and organic design. We’ve also transformed the menu system, so that the employees at Körber can send in recommendations for the volunteer day, as well as being able to sign up for various events through the app.

In previous years, thanks to the HaHu application, we’ve won the PREXA grand price and reached the finals of the international SABRE Awards.