A cement- and concrete industrial complementary training will be available at the University of Pécs, in cooperation with our client, CeMBeton.

Our PR-agency took part in the creation of the educational collaboration. The framework of the cooperation includes a complementary training, starting with the signature of a solemn agreement between the Hungarian Cement Concrete and Lime Association and the University of Pécs, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology. The agreement was primarily created to support the qualification of professional engineers in higher education, as well as to increase the possibilities of research and development. The member companies of the Association took part in the tuition concerning the utilization of newly developed construction and building materials, and in the presentation of the environmental and legal circumstances.

Based on practical experience, internationally renowned and acknowledged companies, representing the Hungarian cement and concrete industry will provide knowledge to the engineering students of Pécs.

The purpose of the initiative is to deliver previously acquired knowledge and to ensure the presence of a new generation of professionals.

Besides building out a partnership between the parties, our agency was also responsible for organising the event, open for the press and handling media communications.

Kapcsolodó hírek