We have extended our communication cooperation with the Hungarian Catholic Radio
On the behalf of the radio, we perform continuous social media management, advertising management and press work.
The Hungarian Catholic Radio introduced its innovative mobile application in the autumn of 2019, for the communication support of which it requested the support of our agency. In addition to promoting the app, our assignment included managing the radio’s social media sites, producing content, managing online advertising, and performing press related tasks.
The collaboration was fruitful and resulted in additional points of connection. In 2021, on the occasion of the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress, the radio asked us to develop and run a social media campaign to promote the Congress, which yielded better-than-expected results, increasing our client’s visibility.
Thanks to the joint successes and the satisfaction with our work, in the spring of 2022 the Hungarian Catholic Radio extended our cooperation running uninterrupted since 2019 for another two years.