100 Successful PR Recipes - The Great PR Recipe Book has become available online
Are you a professional or preparing to PR / communication / marketing career and would like to improve yourself? Would you like to read something in connection with your professional, but don’t know what it should be? Are you interested in practice-oriented writings? If the answer is yes to the above, we definitely recommend the book of our founder and managing director, József Ferling, The Great PR Recipe Book, published in 2017. This year, our agency celebrates the 30th anniversary of the founding of the agency, and we made the Great PR Recipe Book available online as a special gift for those who are interested.
The book shows how communication works in practice – it presents 100 different projects, case studies and solutions along everyday practices.
We have previously made the book available to various educational institutions as well as associations in the hope that our agency will contribute to their work in the form of a special gift. The first of the educational institutions are the various departments and faculties of the University of Pécs, the University of Debrecen, the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, the Sapientia University, the Babeş-Bolyai University, the Corvinus University of Budapest, the Eötvös Lóránd University, University of Technology , and among the associations, we provided free access to the Great PR Recipe Book for the Hungarian PR Association, the Hungarian Marketing Association, the Somogy County Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Fejér County Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry and BNI Hungary.
We hope that with this gesture, as well as our many years of experience, we can contribute to the enrichment of the knowledge of professionals and those who are interested.
The book is also available in our website or at the following link: https://www.ferling.hu/nagy-pr-receptkonyv.pdf